The creation of new exhibitions in the Historical Building
The creation and implementation of new expositions in the Historical Building and the New Building of the National Museum follow the project of general building renovation of the Historical Building of the National Museum with underground connection lines to the New Building of the National Museum, resulting from the Concept of Development of the National Museum for the period of 2009 - 2018. Funding for the event was approved by the Government of the Czech Republic on the 19 July 2012 (Government Decision No. 549 - Updating the Documentation of the Program for the Care of National Cultural treasures). The investment intention of the project called "New Expositions in the Historical Building and New Building of the National Museum" was registered by the Ministry of Finance on the 21 February 2014. The concept of the permanent expositions is based on the meaning, mission and strategy of the National Museum as a central museum institution in the Czech Republic - it shall provide the wider public with basic and comprehensive information about the nature and history of the Czech lands, in their natural, historical and cultural context.
Architectural competition for designing the expositions, exhibition space and visitor's traffic in the Historical Building and the New Building of the National Museum was announced after almost a year of preparation, on the 22 July 2015, as a two-round, public and project competition. The competition is aimed at the architectural design of expositions, exhibition spaces and the organization of visiting traffic with an emphasis on the vision and philosophy of the expositions and the specific links between the Historical Building and the New Building of the National Museum. The competition proposal, in the first round, should have demonstrated the vision of the author of comprehensive solutions of expositions, exhibition and public spaces, including the organization of the movement of visitors, while accepting the indisputable values of both buildings. The second round is focused on the more detailed opinion on a particular solution related to the subject of the competition. Its assignment was clarified by the jury and announcer after the end of the first round in the Spring of 2016. The proposal should have demonstrated the power of a leading and creating personality and respect for tradition, the perception of significant spaces and the knowledge of complexity of requirements in relation to modern museum exhibitions.
Selection of articles from the news portal of the National Museum Museum 3000
National Museum announces an architectural competition