Science and Research in the National Museum
In 2016 the science and research activities of the National Museum staff included a wide range of projects and research tasks financed by institutional support and objective-targeted support. With the Institutional Support for Long-term Strategic Development of Research Organization (IP DKRVO), the National Museum’s staff participated in 55 research projects. In addition, basic research within the projects of the Czech Science Foundation, applied research within the projects of Applied Research and the Development of National and Cultural Identity Programme for 2016-2022 (NAKI II), and research within international scientific projects was carried out. Over 270 published outputs were created in 2016, with the majority of them realized with institutional support. The achievements of the National Museum in the field of publishing high-quality research results - including articles in prestigious and influential international journals and professional books - are recognised annually in the form of the increasingly high score awarded to the institution in the Information Register for R&D results (RIV). Besides publications, the research results of the National Museum staff were presented in lectures and posters at domestic and foreign seminars, conferences and scientific workshops. The presentation of activities was directed not only at the scientific community, but also at the general professional and lay public in the form of popular scientific projects, lectures, excursions, events, exhibitions and outputs in printed and electronic form, on radio and television media and on social networks.
In 2016, the National Museum staff carried out eight projects of the Czech Science Foundation and three NAKI II projects. In a tender of the Czech Science Foundation, the Natural History Museum was awarded 4 new projects as co-bidder. 2016 was the second year of certain two-year grants (for 2015-2016) - 9 internal scientific grants and 2 interdisciplinary grants - directed at supporting young researchers, basic research associated with the institution’s collection fond, and interdisciplinary cooperation (education, research projects) between the individual departments of the National Museum. In 2016, a new internal call for grant proposals was made (for 2017-2018) with newly amended conditions. 8 scientific and 2 interdisciplinary internal projects starting in 2017 were approved for financing.
The year 2016 meant yet another important qualitative and strategic advance in the area of support for strategic development of science and research, or rather research and development, concerning issues relating to the possibilities for further development. In collaboration with the Scientific Committee of the National Museum, the strategic document “Concept for Advancement and Support for Research and Development in the National Museum 2016-2020” was created and approved. In addition to the advancement and support of research and development activities and the infrastructure associated with basic and applied research in the National Museum, one of its objectives is the definition of the main directions of research and development in individual fields. Subsequently, an internal Director General’s Directive was created, for defining and implementing this strategy internally. Moreover, the National Museum has been included among those Czech research organizations using tools for the recording, publishing and data management of R & D results (OBD), and also for analyses of data related to the institution’s scientific activities and the activities of its scientists (Scimetrics). The National Museum's periodicals are newly accessible (Open Access) via the online portal of the publisher De Gruyter Open, which provides open access to the scientific content of periodicals and books.
Selection of articles from the news portal of the National Museum Museum 3000
Experts studied rare Indian miniatures

The National Museum was ahead of its time in the 1950s