The National Museum Library
The professional management of collections was carried out according to the capabilities of each department; specified performance standards were fulfilled. These departments of the National Museum Library work in the mode of collection: Department of Manuscripts and Old Prints, Department of Literary Culture, Department of the Elementary Library (partially) and the Department of Magazines (partially). Acquisition, documentation and catalogue activities were carried out according to the collection program and standards; the inventory quotas were performed in the same manner. The branch for service, intended for the researchers, remained limited because of the need to run four study rooms during the time of the reconstruction of the historical building: three of them were located in various places in Prague, the other located in Terezín. There were intense works on the protective digitization, both in our own digitalization workplace and through subsidies from the VISK6 program.
The National Museum Library Funds
The National Museum Library was intended as the central library workplace of the National Museum; the library provides the acquisition and elementary processing of books for all departments of the National Museum and the relevant branch libraries. The Library of Music and the History Department of the Czech Museum of Music as well as the Náprstek Museum Library are quite independent concerning acquisition and management matters; they were built up as independent institutions in the historical context - these are the so-called collection libraries found in the Czech Museum of Music. In the field of contemporary literature, the National Museum Library has continued its steady acquisition of the library fund, according to the collection program. The National Museum Library spent a total amount of CZK 1,700,000.00 for the purchase of domestic and foreign literature; the Department of Magazines received a total production of periodicals in the Czech Republic for the year 2016. In the National Museum, the library funds have been registered using an automated library system called Verbis. There was a process of digitization of the library collections. The research service was provided by the individual studies rooms of the libraries in all six buildings.
Selection of articles from the news portal of the National Museum Museum 3000
PROVENIO, or to whom did they belong?