The Historical Museum
In 2016 the Historical Museum opened a profile exhibition, “Retro”, and several other exhibitions in the New Building, the National Memorial on Vítkov Hill, Musaion, and the Museum of Czech Puppets and Circus in Prachatice. The exhibitions were accompanied by educational events in these and other buildings (the Lapidarium and Vrchotovy Janovice Chateau). An exceptionally wide range of acquisition activities, restorations, and conservation and digitalization of collection items and archival documents (often with the help of volunteers) were realized. In science and research, successful work results were achieved in a number of projects (NAKI projects, Czech Science Foundation projects, the programme Long-term strategic development of a research organization [DKRVO], internal grants), and our participation in conferences continued, together with publication activities, professional cooperation and educational programmes in universities.
Selection of articles from the news portal of the National Museum Museum 3000
The Retro exhibition in National muzeum

The oldest decorated pottery in the National Museum’s collections