annual report 2016


The creation of new exhibitions in the Historical Building

The creation and installation of new permanent exhibitions in the Historical Building and the New Building of the National Museum follows the project of general reconstruction of the Historical Building and its connection to the New Building by an underground tunnel, and is based on the Strategy of Development of the National Museum 2009-2018. Funding was approved by the government of the Czech Republic on 19 July 2012 (resolution no. 549 of the Government of the Czech Republic on updating documentation for the National Heritage Protection Programme). The Ministry of Finance registered the investment project “New exhibitions in the Historical and New Buildings of the National Museum" on 21 February 2014 (identification number SMVS 134V122000007).

In 2016, seminars for the expanded exhibition concept team took place. The changes in the basic concepts of the individual exhibitions were introduced. The new concepts took into account the opponent reviews of 2014-2015, together with the continuing work of the individual teams on the exhibition concepts. Within these discussions a new point of departure was formulated and the content of exhibition units and new approaches to their individual topics were clarified.  Before 31 October 2016, the teams of concept authors submitted new exhibition scenarios. These scenarios are currently undergoing the approval process, according to the National Museum Exhibition Rules, and their approval and the subsequent codification of the final version of the exhibition scenarios and display design is planned for late April 2017. 

From February 2016 until October 2016, future exhibits were inventorized. Currently, the data that were obtained in this way are being processed and analysed in order to specify the budget regarding the preparation of exhibits and other educational material in the new exhibitions.